Kabir Panth is the confluence of life-current of Dhani Dharmadassji and Aaminmata, in which like Saraswati, supernatural power of Kabir Saheb flows. This is a unique confluence of Triveni, where people come and become free from the bondage of worldly life. In Kabir Panth the pattern of 42 progeny of Dhani Dharmadassji is going on continuously in the form of “Akhand Bans Bayalish Parampara.”Foundation of 42 progeny pattern was started by Sadguru Kabir Saheb himself during his life time. In the absence of Sadguru Kabir Saheb, the responsibility for propagation of His teachings has been given to 42 progenies of Dhani Dharmadassji Saheb. Such type of proper system is not available in any religion of the world.

 Dhani Dharmadassji got responsibility for the propagation of teachings of Sadguru Kabir Saheb. Kabir Saheb has already announced the names of 42 progeny. Starting from first guru , Muktamani Nam Saheb, at present 15th Guru (Progeny) Panth Shri Hujoor Prakash Muni Naam Saheb is present on Vansgaddi of Damakhera, Raipur (C.G). Kabir Panth is founded on the principle of universal peace concord, non-violence, mutual good will and oneness in all living beings. Chief Characteristics of Kabir Panth are given below:

*Kabir Panth is path of humanity and good conduct. It consists of strong ties of morality. It is not related to any particular Panth, religion, caste and nation but related to all human races.

*Kabir Panth is not based on superstitions and orthodox, principles, but it is based on love, affection & fellow feelings of all human beings.

*Kabir Panth is the supreme structure of metaphysical jewels, good conduct, ethics and morality. It lies in humanitarian values- equality, eternity and fraternity.

* It is not follower of any one. It does not compel anyone to follow or to oppose. It is complete in itself.

*It lies on the purity of thoughts and conducts. It lays emphasis to get rid of all passions, hatred, ill will, envy, greed, lust and vices, anger etc.

*Domestic and detached both persons have right to get salvation.

*Sympathy for all living beings and Atam (self) worship are the two pillars.

* Bans Gurus propagated teachings of Kabir Panth in India and Abroad. Bans Gurus have deep devotion, dedication and sacrifice. If Sadguru had not established the foundation of Kabir Panth, universal values of human life might have remained unavailable to the world.

*Kabir Panth provides clear path to whole human race to be free from materialistic attachments and reunion of soul to almighty.

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