Arrivals of Kabirpanthis in Mauritius

From time immemorial, religion has occupied an important place in society, promoting human life to a higher level, elevating it from a mere state of sense-gratification, fulfilling the basic needs of life. It also helps to attain self-elevation, refinement and even the possibility of knowing, realizing, experiencing, and attaining the abode of the supreme force behind all life and creation. Hindu religion is more than a mere question of faith and acceptance of creed, dogmas, rites and rituals. Basically, religion is considered to be a way of life conducted through the adoption of spiritual, religious, moral and ethical concepts in the form of principles, ideals, precepts, beliefs, faiths, and mystical truths related to life at large.

Likewise, after the abolition of slavery in Mauritius, the white planters found that they could no longer rely on the blacks to work in their sugar plantations. Once these slaves were disbanded, the plantation owners grew desperate. And it was from the year 1834, that Indian immigrants started arriving in Mauritius as indentured laborers. The process of immigration continued and the period ended around 1880. In all, the immigrants comprised a sizeable proportion of a population, predominantly of peasants and laborers coming from villages, having no preconceived notion of a wider world, yet were set for an unknown destination, in search of a better living.


Mauritius is a living example of the results of the tremendous contribution made by the descendants of Indian immigrants as indentured laborers, who through their unflinching courage, determination, hard labor and relentless effort gave the country its present identity of a flourishing population. Among the settlers, the Kabirpanthis too came as indentured laborers. Along with, their religious practices, the rites and rituals performed, the teachings and bhajans of Kabir saheb are performed from generations to generations till that particular time and still sung today are glaring examples that the Kabirpanthis once walked through the island.

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