Dhani Dharmadassji Saheb was a matchless saint. On one side he was devoted to domestic life; on the other hand he was related to mendicant life. One, who can follow both, is real Saint. His wife was like lotus. Living in this world, he raised his life above the worldly bondage.
“Kya Sandhya Kya Prat Savera, Jahan Dekhun Taha Saheb Mera”

His whole life was full of devotion and dedication to Sadguru. Not on the basis of materialism, but on the achievement of truth, he is called as Dhani Dharmadassji. Usually, a disciple appreciates his teacher (Guru), but if teacher (Guru) appreciates his disciple, it is a unique event.
In this sense, he was fortunate as Dhani Dharmadassji was born at the house of Manmaheshji, a famous Kasodhan Vaishya, at the Bandhogarh in Reva region in 1452 Vikram Sambat. He was married to a suitable girl named Sulakshnavati at the age of 28 near Patherhata. She was called “Aminmata” later. His first son named Narayandas was born in 1482 V.S. in 1519 he met Sadguru Kabir Saheb during his visit to Mathura. Being influenced by Kabir Saheb in 1520 V.S, he took consecration with Aminmata in front of a big congregation in Bandhogarh. Contiuously sermon on good conduct started in Bandhogarh.
“Samvat Pandrah Saw Bees Ke Sal, Bandhograh Kinhi Dharmshala,
Dharmani Ko Sab Kahyo Prasanga, Tum More Ho-Bhakti Ke Anga”
Dharmadassji got solution of all problems and doubts of human life with Kabir Saheb and that is available in speeches and volumes of literature Bansgaddi today. Knowing him suitable successor Kabir Saheb gave Dharmadassji precious teachings (Sar Shabda) which is flowing continuously from Dharmadassji to Muktamani Naam Sabheb and his 42 progenies.
“Dharmadass Tum Bade Viveki, Tumre Ghat Budhi Bade Dekhi,
Khojat Khojat Tumko Paya, Sakal Bhed Khol Bataya”
Kabir Saheb blessed Dharmadassji a son named Muktamani Naam Saheb that he would be incarnated from the womb of Aminmata. He will ferry the boat of life and make people free from worldly bondage. In 1538, V.S, on the day of full moon (Sunday) he was born at house of Dharmadassji. On the orders of Kabir Saheb, Dharmadassji reached Jagarnath Puri (Orrisa) to take Samadhi (Burial) because only 13 days remained in his life. In 1569, V.S on Friday, in the months of Falgun he took his last burial (Cremation). On this occasion Muktamani Naam Saheb, Aminmataji, Raja Ram Singh along with Kabir Saheb were present.
Dharamdassji propagated preaching of Sadguru Kabir Saheb on the earth. He wrote what Kabir Saheb said. Dharmadassji complied and wrote valuable preaching and teachings of Kabir Saheb. Dharmadassji absolved and meditated what he learnt from Kabir Saheb and mould himself in the form of Sadguru Kabir Saheb.
“Guru Samana Shishya Main, Shishya Liya Kar Neh,
Bilgaye Bilgaye Nahin, Ek Pran Dui Deh”