The name of eminent Saint Kabir Saheb is remembered with great reverence and devotion in spiritual world. In form of truth, love and mercy, Kabir Saheb is foresighted and he is a perfect Sadguru in real sense. “Sanch hi Kahat Aur Sanch hi Ghat Hon”, is his clean and straight path, Truth is thought and deed was his easy and clear path. Being immortal and imperishable, for the welfare of living being, in order to show the path of salvation, he came in all ages by different names. He has taken incarnation as Satya Sukrit in Satyuga, Muneendra in Treta yug, Karunamei in Dwapar yug and Kabir in Kalyug.
“Yugani-yugani hum ai chetawa, Amar lok se hum chali aaye,
Aaye jagat manjhara ho, Jeev dukhit dekhe bhavsagar,
Ta karam pagudhara ho, Kahiyat mohi bhayal yugchari,
Ab hum avigat se chal aaye, Hate videh deh dhari aaye, kaya Kabir kahaye”.
His speeches are clear indications that he took Human beings out of the worldly bondage and put him on the climax. Great men are always born in crisis and annihilation. When Kabir Saheb took incarnation in 1455 Vikram Samvat, it was period of political, social and cultural change. Separation, mutual dissensions, atrocity, hatred, jealousy were on the peak everywhere. In such adverse, circumstances he brought all on the right path with affection and challenge. Mobilizing all human being he brought oneness, simplicity and pride and protected human glory. Seeing his role, Nabha Das ji said truly; he was impartial and suited to everyone.
“Pakshapat nahin vachan sabhi ke hith ke bhakti”
When religion became synonyms of exploitation and atrocity and religion became symbol of cowardice, Kabir Saheb did tremendous deed to bring faith. Kabir Saheb was matchless, unique and rare where his greatest specialty is that he has not taken anything from others. His thoughts and ideas are original. He never beats around the bush. He always describes what he sees and says only after concrete experience.
Sadguru always comes with his own thoughts he does not copy from others. He has self control and can see universal truth. He is true to his world, deed and soul. He is unique to say frankly, without any hesitation. None is so fearless and courageous and bold. His voice produced miracles. Kabir Saheb says that all human beings are one and member of one family and aiming his creation is to live people with peace and harmony. He thinks there should be no difference between action and speech. He is pious at heart and adopts human life. He is so inspiring and encouraging that he regards grief of any person as his own. He is free from social evils, superstitions, untruth and hypocrisy.
He gave solid back ground to mankind. So that man can follow love in place of hatred and non violence in place of violence, impartiality in place of partiality, similarity in place of dissimilarity; and can make his life useful without hindrance. Famous thinker Osho said, “Formula of Kabir has no match in the history of human race; so sweet and simple words have never been said on this earth. One word of Kabir is gist of thousand volumes. The Gita may be valuable but it can be merged into word of Kabir”
Today everyone has some of Kabir Saheb’s lines on the tip of tongue.